» Conservative Care

Conservative Care

Physical Therapy as a 1st Step

While surgery may be the best course of treatment for certain diagnoses, evidence indicates physical therapists can offer an alternative in many situations.   

At Emery Physical Therapy, we agree that reviewing conservative options prior to surgery is a hallmark of good care.

Physical therapy is a conservative care treatment option for many individuals; this conservative option also helps local surgeons find the best surgical candidates who have the best outcomes.

When there is a need for surgery, physical therapists can enhance the outcome both before and after surgery. Additionally, for individuals whose health conditions prevent surgery from being an option, our physical therapists can be invaluable in helping them improve or maintain the quality of their lives.

Our physical therapists may also help with pain intervention.  Therapists help control pain, often reducing the need for long-term use of medications. Studies reveal that individuals who receive physical therapy experience greater improvement in function with less pain.

While recognizing that medication is an essential component in the management of many acute and chronic conditions, physical therapists can provide an alternative to the long-term use of medications for the management of pain and certain other health conditions.

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