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Dry Needling Therapy For Neck Pain

Neck pain is an expensive and prevalent issue. Existing therapies are ineffective for a huge majority of individuals who continue to have chronic pain. In order to lessen the handicap and high expenses related to neck discomfort, new therapeutic options are investigated. One such therapy is dry needling.

What is Dry needling?

Dry needling is a skillful technique that involves penetrating the skin with a small filiform needle and stimulating a trigger point to cause a local twitch reaction. An increasing body of research supports the good effects of combining dry needling with other therapies in patients with neck pain for reducing critical deficits, such as pain severity, pain-related disability, pressure pain thresholds, and neck motion. Dry needling is becoming more widely employed in therapeutic settings to treat a range of musculoskeletal disorders.

How does it work?

Dry needling's specific mechanism of action is yet unknown. At present, the best explanation is that removing trigger points eliminates peripheral sensitization, which arises when your pain threshold is diminished in a specific place, and your nerves become hyper-responsive as a consequence.

It activates a skeletal muscle's trigger point. It's known as a knot, and it can induce pain in muscles other than the one in which it's present. Myofascial pain syndrome is another term for a trigger point. A trigger point is a tight band of skeletal muscle within a larger muscle group that is tender to the touch and can produce discomfort in other parts of your body.

Your therapist performs dry needling as part of a bigger therapy plan to attempt to release the trigger point, relieve pain, and/or improve your movement. Dry needling can help to relieve muscle tension and soreness. When the needle is inserted into the trigger point, a twitch may occur, which could indicate that the therapy is working.

Is dry needling effective?

Its purpose is to cause a muscle spasm, which releases the trigger point and enables the muscle knot to relax. Dry needling isn't easy because it involves poking needles into your muscles, but it may be quite effective at targeting deeper places that other manual therapies like massage can't reach. People swear by dry needling's capacity to relax muscles and relieve pain in ways that no other method seems to be able to.

When performed correctly as part of a full therapy program, Dry needling can assist people with neck discomfort restore pain-free function. Trigger points are characterized by tight muscle bands that can be relieved with the use of a needle. As a consequence, dry needling may be beneficial for people with neck pain in terms of reducing pain and enhancing their range of motion.

Dry needling can be done alone, but it's almost usually combined with other therapies such as massage and therapeutic exercise to help restore function, ease discomfort, and prevent future issues. Dry needling, for example, could be utilized to help remove trigger points that are interfering with exercise and mobility therapy. It can be combined with tissue manipulation and other methods to treat chronic or recurring neck discomfort.

Emery Physical Therapy is skilled in treating a wide range of  injuries. Our therapists are experts in not only diagnosing and treating injuries, but also in preventing future injuries. Don’t miss a game, meet or match — Schedule your consultation with our team today. Call us today at 847-786-2014.

Learn more at Emery Physical Therapy in Mt. Prospect, IL and Emery Physical Therapy in Oakbrook Terrace, IL.